TFRN-2 Documents

Existing Documents

Draft Revision Documents

Annex IX: Three draft revised versions (shown as track changes to the original) are available to download here - which relate to different levels of ambition/option:

  • A The current version, with current threshold values, but amended with "Integrated N management" and "Livestock feeding strategies". Also some minor editorial changes were made (for example as regards to the dates of implementation).
  • B as Option A, but with 1 addition and 1 modification: provisions should be made also for slurry stores and housing systems of 'large' cattle farms (>100 LSU), and the threshold values of provisions in the current version of the Annex IX have been tightened.
  • C, as B, but threshold values of provisions have been tightened further.
  • D, as A but removing '"as far as the Party in question considers them applicable" in places.

EPMAN commissioned report: Review of the efficiency of methods to reduce emissions of ammonia following the application of manures to land, their costs, potential agronomic benefits and impacts on emissions of nitrous oxide

Draft revision of Manure Application Techniques (Section II) following EPMAN Meeting, Milan, 12 Nov 2008

Draft guidance document on N management and livestock feeding

Expert Panel Documents