TRFN Mission Statement
The Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen has the long-term goal of developing technical and scientific information, and options which can be used for strategy development across the UNECE to encourage coordination of air pollution policies on nitrogen in the context of the nitrogen cycle and which may be used by other bodies outside the Convention in consideration of other control measures.
Functions of the TRFN
- To plan and conduct, in collaboration with subsidiary bodies under the Convention, the technical work necessary to develop a better understanding of the integrated, multi-pollutant nature of reactive nitrogen, particularly in relation to air pollution in context of the nitrogen cycle for consideration in the work of the Working Group on Strategy and Review;
- To plan and conduct, in collaboration with subsidiary bodies under the Convention, the technical work necessary to assess emissions, transport, budgets, fluxes and effects of nitrogen for submission to the Working Group on Strategies and Review;
- To consider, in collaboration with subsidiary bodies under the Convention, how the work of the Task Force would complement the work of the subsidiary bodies of the Convention, in particular the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling, the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections and the Task Force on Modelling and Mapping, as well as that of other international bodies. The Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen should make maximum use of such considerations to foster an understanding of, and make best use of, the synergies;
- To continue, as necessary, the work of the former Expert Group on Ammonia Abatement on regular updating of the Guidance document on control techniques and the Framework advisory code on good agricultural practice, and to contribute to the improvements of the methodologies on the emission inventories and other activities as required;
- To carry out such other tasks related to the above work as the Executive Body may assign to it in the annual workplan.
Expert Group on Nitrogen and Climate
This expert group has been established to highlight the connections between nitrogen and the climate system and how this interacts with the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution and other relevant international policies. Its role is to provide expert information on the science, its links to policy and to foster collaboration with other relevant bodies, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Workshop Report - Nitrogen and Climate: Interactions of reactive nitrogen with climate change and opportunities for integrated management strategies, workshop in Amsterdam, October 2011.
Nitrogen management interactions with climate change: A policy brief to inform the Gothenburg Protocol revision [Informal document No. 17 to the WGSR-47 (30 August – 3 September 2010)]
Nitrogen and Climate: Interactions of reactive nitrogen with climate change and opportunities for integrated management strategies 31st October - 1st November, Amsterdam