Expert Group on Nitrogen and Climate

This expert group has been established to highlight the connections between nitrogen and the climate system and how this interacts with the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution and other relevant international policies. Its role is to provide expert information on the science, its links to policy and to foster collaboration with other relevant bodies, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


Workshop Report - Nitrogen and Climate: Interactions of reactive nitrogen with climate change and opportunities for integrated management strategies, workshop in  Amsterdam, October 2011.

Nitrogen management interactions with climate change: A policy brief to inform the Gothenburg Protocol revision [Informal document No. 17 to the WGSR-47 (30 August – 3 September 2010)]


Nitrogen and Climate: Interactions of reactive nitrogen with climate change and opportunities for integrated management strategies 31st October - 1st November, Amsterdam