Minutes of EPNB-3 are now available here.
The meeting of the Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets took place on May 11, 2010 in Prague. It preceded the TFRN-4 meeting. Results of the EPNB were reported to the task force. The presentations of the experts are accessable directly from the agenda below. Only registered users can access these files in pdf format. The minutes of EPNB-3 will be available here shortly.
The slides to report the results back to TFRN is also included here. For more information on TFRN-4 please follow the links to TFRN-4.
During the discussions of TFRN-4, also a presentation on costs of measures was given (unrelated to EPNB). But as IIASA was represented by Wilfried, he was approached to provide the questionnaire that had been distributed by Zbigniew Klimont/IIASA a few years ago. We have very slightly revised this document. Please find this revised questionnaire (WinWord format) here.
The experts and the chairs of the expert panel wish to express their thanks to the organizers, specifically Michaela Budnakova from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, for a perfectly organized meeting.
Agenda - May 11, 2010
9:15. Welcome and confirmation of agenda (Wilfried Winiwarter)
9:20. Reports from related activities
- Meeting report on 2010 Leysin OECD workshop on agri-environmental indicators and possible linkages between TRFN and the OECD work (Albert Bleeker)
- European Nitrogen Assessment - chapters realted to EPNB (Wilifried Winiwarter)
- European N budgets for farm, land and soil: N surplus, N use efficiency and N dynamics (Wim de Vries)
10:30 - 10:50. Coffee break
10:50. Country budgeting reports
- Canadian national N budgets (Tom Clair)
- N-balance approach in Switzerland and temporal trends of main N-fluxes between 1994 and 2005 (Jürg Heldstab)
- Nitrogen leaching, mineralization and uptake in cultivated soils of Central Greece (Theodore Karyotis)
- UK National N budget (Penny Johnes / David Fernall / Ulli Dragosits)
- Recent activities on German N budgets (Gabriele Wechsung)
12:30 – 13:30. Lunch break
13:30. Status of N-budgeting guidelines
- Budgets for NL and user's view of N budget templates (Albert Bleeker)
- Feasibility of preparing guidelines (general discussion)
- Possible contributions from “experienced” experts (CH, DE, …)
- Possible contributions from experts benefitting from the budgeting tools (RU, …)
- Division of tasks and Timelines
14:30. Status of farm level budgets and their relationship to options as presented in Annex IX (Wilfried Winiwarter)
15:00. Workplan 2009/10: What has been achieved? Open items?
15:15. Workplan 2010/11: upcoming EPNB meetings; AOB
15:45 – 16:00. Coffee break
16:00 – 17:00. combined session with EPMAN (as requested by EPMAN)
17:00 – 18:00: combined session with EPNF (as requested by EPNF)
Please see the slides reporting back to the Task Force regarding the future work plan.