The first meeting of the 'Expert Panel on the Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen' (EPMAN) is being held on the 12th November 2008 in Milan. The meeting will occur after the meeting of the 'Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections' (TFEIP), on the 10-11th November, in the same location. This is to allow EPMAN members to attend the TFEIP meeting (especially the expert meeting of the Agriculture and Nature Panel of the TFEIP - which overlaps in interest with EPMAN) if they so wish and to facilitate extra time for discussion before the first EPMAN meeting.
Those who wish to attend the EPMAN meeting (or who wish to find out more), please send an e-mail to as soon as possible. Accommodation for the evening of the 11th/12th November can be booked through the TFEIP meeting website, please see for more information.