This is the website of theTask Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN) under the Working Group on Strategies and Review of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.
TFRN is led by Denmark.
The Co-Chairs are Mark Sutton (United Kingdom), Tommy Dalgaard (Denmark) and Claudia Marques-dos-Santos Cordovil (Portugal).
The Task Force holds plenary meetings at least once a year, see below for details on the past and future TFRN meetings.
Several Expert Panels have been set up by the TFRN, the Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen (EPMAN) the Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB), the Expert Panel on Nitrogen and Food (EPNF) and the Expert Panel on Nitrogen in countries of Eastern Europe Central Caucasus and Asia (EPN-EECCA). These panels can meet more often than the TFRN, work on specific issues and provide input to TFRN.